
Aaron-Jensen2Aaron Jensen is an internationally-published com­poser, arranger and per­former based out of Toronto, Canada. He stud­ied com­po­si­tion at York Uni­ver­sity. His cre­ative offer­ings have been per­formed across North and South Amer­ica, Asia, Aus­tralia, and Europe. Recent works include com­mis­sions by the world-renowned Swingle Singers, Windago, and the Ser­e­nade! Choral Fes­ti­val Wash­ing­ton DC as part of the Eric Daniel Helms New Works Pro­gram. This past year, Jensen was awarded the Grand Prize by the Inter­na­tional
John Lennon Song­writ­ing Com­pe­ti­tion in the jazz cat­e­gory, and was the vocal arranger of the CARA Award-winning Best Jazz Song of the Year. He was also recently inducted as an Asso­ciate Com­poser through the Cana­dian Music Cen­tre. In 2009, he com­pleted his first orches­tral com­mis­sion which was pre­miered in Flo­rence, Italy and has since been
per­formed in Sao Paulo, Brazil; Izmir, Turkey; and Stras­bourg, France. Aaron was the Composer-in-Residence for the Toronto-based Uni­vox Choir from 2007–2009. His works have been played on syn­di­cated radio sta­tions world­wide. In 2010, Jensen
co-founded the vocal ensem­ble Coun­ter­mea­sure, a group he con­tin­ues to lead as musi­cal direc­tor and con­duc­tor.  In addi­tion to his work as a solo per­former, Aaron has toured and recorded with the Juno-nominated jazz quar­tet, Cadence from 2006–2011, and
con­tin­ues to sing with the 80s vocal band, Retroc­ity. Jensen’s voice has been heard on count­less radio ads, and tele­vi­sion themes, and was fea­tured through­out the sound­track of the film Casino Jack, star­ring Kevin Spacey. Aaron is an active clin­i­cian and
offers reg­u­lar work­shops across North Amer­ica and Europe. He is also the Artis­tic Direc­tor and co-founder of the inter­na­tional event, SING! The Toronto Vocal Arts Festival.